

    • Commercial Interior Design
    • Project & Cost Management
    • Construction & Delivery
    • Procurement



Floor Area




Initia, a specialist geotechnical engineering consultancy founded in 2018 by four senior specialists, sought to expand their office space to better reflect their branding and culture as they experienced rapid growth.

Their objective was to create a larger, open-plan collaborative workspace infused with elements of fun, flexibility, and environmental consciousness. They envisioned a design embracing natural landscapes, earthy colours, and features fostering community and creativity.

Empowered by Initia's vision, our design team created a vibrant and dynamic workspace reflecting their brand identity and culture. Earthy colours and environmental features were incorporated, with bright way-finding carpet tiles guiding visitors through the space.

Working closely with Initia, we brought their vision to life through open communication and creative brainstorming. The successful transformation of Initia's workspace demonstrates the power of design in shaping company culture and enhancing employee satisfaction, fostering creativity, collaboration, and community.

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